The Eternal Family
Topics Explored in this Course:
The Family: A Proclamation to the World
Gender & Identity
Divorce & Delayed Blessings
Same-Sex Attraction
The Roles of Men & Women (Dads & Moms)
Marriage Between a Man and a Woman
Sexual Intimacy
Pornography Use
Foundations of the Restoration
Topics Explored in this Course:
Plural Marriage
The Utah War and the Mountain Meadows Massacre
Multiple Accounts of the First Vision
The Book of Mormon Translation Process
Priesthood Keys and Authority
Women and the Priesthood
Succession in the Presidency of the Church
Official Declaration #2

Jesus Christ & His Everlasting Gospel
Topics Explored in this Course:
Discovering Hope in Jesus as the Light and Life of Your World
Recognizing the Savior’s Miracles in Your Life
Embracing Christ’s Justice, Mercy, and Love
Drawing Closer to Jesus Christ through His Sacrament & Temple Ordinances
Understanding How Christ’s Pre-Mortal, Mortal, and Post Mortal Ministries Bless Us
Receiving the Savior’s Divine Gift of Grace
Finding Your Place in the Good Shepherd’s Fold
Living with Hope While Preparing for His Second Coming
Finding Your Place in the Good Shepherd’s Fold and Gathering Others to Him
Teachings & Doctrine of the Book of Mormon
Topics Explored in this Course:
Responding to Prophetic Direction
Improving Daily Scripture Study
Accessing the Savior's Grace
Finding Solace in Life after Death
Remaining on the Covenant Path
Deepening Conversion to Jesus Christ
Gathering Israel
Ministering to God's Children One-by-One
Overcoming Pride
Fortifying Myself Against False Doctrine
Improving Prayers & Revelation in My Life
Developing Faith, Hope & Charity

Adulting 1010
Topics Explored in this Course:
Transitioning into Adulthood with a Gospel Perspective
Life Goals
Budgeting & Finance
Developing Talents
Choosing a Career
Life Balance
Managing Stress
Mental Health Skills
Navigating Life's Challenges in Faith
Social Media & Electronics Management
Improve Study Skills
Improve Social Skills
Involving Jesus in
Your Mental Health
Topics Explored in this Course:
Thinking Errors
Christlike Emotions
Relationships & Communication
Managing Depression & Anxiety
Physical Health
Sexual Feelings
Skills to Deal with Mental/Emotional Distress

The Restored Gospel & World Religions
Topics Explored in this Course:
Holy Envy
Sikhism, Taoism
Shintoism, Zoroastrianism
The Restoration
Institute Singers
Enjoy relevant gospel discussions on music & the hymns
Feel greater converting power to the Savior Jesus Christ
Develop your musical gifts and talents
Share your testimony with others through music
Visit high schools and help with institute recruiting
Perform for General Authorities and church leaders
Debut award winning church music arrangements
Experience first hand the blessings of music in your life
Sing in high level concerts, firesides, and devotionals
Meet new friends and belong socially
Audition is required, anyone interested can contact Brother McDonald

Come Unto Christ
Through Music
Topics Explored in this Course:
Make connections to the Savior and his restored gospel through music
Learn the foundational principles of music theory
Learn how to apply music theory in writing and arranging music
Learn musical form, scales, chords, progressions,
Learn the basics of how to use music software programs
Make friendships with others who also love music and the Savior
Share your music in class with others
Collaborate with other students in helping everyone write and arrange music
No musical skills required, anyone is welcome at any level
My Gospel Questions
Topics Explored in this Course:
Engage in relevant, open, honest, and edifying discussions about the gospel-related topics that students select.
Topics include questions regarding the doctrine, teachings, policies, and history of the Church.
Some questions are straightforward, some deal with sensitive topics, and others introduce ambiguity and complexity.
The first few lessons of the course teach principles and a pattern for seeking answers.
Learn to use Church resources
Practice skills like “How to Disagree without Becoming Disagreeable” and “How to Assess the Reliability of Sources"
Tools to continue answering questions and the questions of others throughout their lives will be practiced.

So You Think
You Can Date?
Topics Explored in this Course:
Relying on Jesus Christ to Conquer Our Fears of Dating and Marriage
Being More Confident and Engaging in Conversation
Improving the First Date Experience
Principles of Developing Healthy Romantic Relationships
Becoming More Attractive
Responding Well to Rejection
Physical Affection in Dating
Addressing Pornography Use with Your Partner
Preparing for Healthy Intimacy in Marriage
Making the Decision to Get Married with Confidence
The Divine Gift of Forgiveness
Topics Explored in this Course:
The Gift of Repentance & the Joy of Becoming Clean
Abandoning Sin & Spiritually Awakening to God
Faith in Jesus Christ & Forgiveness through Him
Overcoming Barriers to Repentance by Relying on Jesus
A Broken Heart, a Contrite Spirit, and Godly Sorrow
Confessing and Forsaking Sins and Making Generous Restitution
Forgiving Others
The Role of the Savior, Priesthood Leaders, and the Holy Ghost in Forgiveness
Daily Repentance and the Divine Gift of Forgiveness

Institute Choir
In this Course:
Come to know the Savior through the gift of music
Bear witness of the Savior and His Gospel in song
Make sacred music more a part of the soundtrack of your life to help you “Think Celestial”
Have impactful Gospel discussions in choir generated from the music/ hymns being sung
Get to be a part of special concerts and performances with large groups of talented musicians
Get to sing for devotionals with members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and other Church Leadership
Make friends and find a great group of people to belong with— a solid social niche.
Have a blast at socials and make a difference through service activities organized by Institute Choir leadership
Learn more about music and develop your talents (even if you’ve never sang in a choir before)
Be a part of something great spiritually and musically even if your time is limited this semester.
No audition required! Simply register. If you have questions about Institute Choir contact Trina Garlick